PyConES 2023

How to analyze hateful behavior on Twitter with Python?
06/10/2023 , Salón Grados
Idioma: Español

In this workshop we give an introduction to software tools to data-hoard and analyze Twitter data. We apply these tools to analyze and understand the surge of hateful queerphobic trends on Twitter.

We will learn how to use Python tools t-hoarder and tward2 for data hoarding tasks. We will show how to analyze social media trends using the data visualization tool Gephi. We will apply this to real data coming from queerphobic trends from Twitter Spain. We will use the tools to identify community strategies for public associations and individuals to react to transphobic attacks on media.

Our tools are available on GitHub:

The workshop will be geared towards teachers, researchers, acacdemics and students who want to learn data analysis tools and apply them to social problems.

Context for this workshop:

In recent years, anti-LGTBQIA+ rhetoric has skyrocketed worldwide. In Spain, this has manifested as a surge of transphobic hate speech, with trans-exclusionary feminists (TERF) groups and politicians being linked to this rise. Anti-trans groups import conservative narratives from international media. They use arguments of legal uncertainty about the guarantees of trans-rights legislation for women's safety to spread anti-LGBTQIA+ messages. Spanish TERF agents have links to international transphobic actors and have publicly collaborated with far-right forces. It is established that anti-trans hatred is used as a gateway for hate to the broader LGBTQIA+ community.

Social networks are a key tool to spread hate-speech. Their usage by alt-right groups to disseminate hatred is well-known.

The organizers form part of a small research group investigating these issues. We have presented our research work in PyConES 2022 in Granada, as well as MariCorners 2023 Madrid.

With the software tools we will teach, we have provided evidence that TERF groups make use of the social network Twitter to disseminate transphobic hatred. We were able to identify highly-connected transphobic echo chambers in Twitter Spain: we can characterize connections between TERF accounts, communication patterns used to spread transphobic messages, and key wedge issues used in anti-trans rhetoric. Our work revealed that TERF Twitter accounts frequently astro-turf transphobic Twitter trends to attack trans rights in media.

Related talk:


Data Engineering

Nivel de la propuesta

Basic (no previous knowledge is necessary)

PhD in physics and computer science (specialization in quantum computing) at the Technical University of Munich. Marie Curie Researcher - Athenea3i at the University of Granada, Spain. She has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Free University of Berlin, Germany (2016-2019) and as a predoc researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics Munich, Germany (2010-2015). She holds a degree in Physics and Technical Engineering in Computer Science from the University of Salamanca, Spain (2005-2010).

Juani Bermejo-Vega is an activist for rights, equality and inclusion in science. She is co-founder and co-organizer of the inclusive quantum information conference Q-turn (2018-2020) and the Max-Planck PhDnet Equal Opportunities Group (2014-2017).
Doctora en física e informática (especialidad computación cuántica) por la Universidad Técnica de Múnich. Investigadora Marie Curie – Athenea3i en la Universidad de Granada, España. Ha trabajado como investigadora postdoctoral en la Universidad Libre de Berlín, Alemania (2016-2019) y como investigadora predoc en el instituto Max Planck de Óptica Cuántica Múnich, Alemania (2010-2015). Es Licenciada en Física e Ingeniera Técnica en Informática por la Universidad de Salamanca, España (2005-2010).

Juani Bermejo-Vega es activista de derechos, igualdad e inclusión en ciencia. Es cofundadora y coorganizadora del congreso de información cuántica inclusivo Q-turn (2018-2020) y del Grupo de Igualdad de Oportunidades de la Max-Planck PhDnet (2014-2017).